Safe Amalgam Removal
Safe amalgam removal is an extremely dangerous procedure and needs to be done correctly. Dr Stein is an IAOMT-trained and S.M.A.R.T trained dentist.
Why is
safe removal important?
The issue with dental amalgam is the inclusion of mercury. Due to the toxicity of this natural element, health can be negatively impacted by just one mercury filling. Amalgam fillings are 50% mercury. The risk for toxicity is present at all times, increasing when the filling material becomes heated. Chewing heats amalgam and allows mercury to escape. Amalgam also gets heated when a filling is created by standard protocol.
If you have amalgam fillings they must be removed properly to avoid large amounts of toxic mercury being released into the body. Mercury and other heavy metals are very hard for your body to remove. Following the protocol developed by the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology) Dr Stein protects your health, his and his team's health and the environment from Mercury toxicity.
Some of the steps for safely removing amalgam fillings
Alternative air source
Protective rubber dam sheeting around the tooth to keep tiny particles from reaching surrounding tissue and being swallowed
High-volume suction placed in close proximity to the operative area to catch particles and vapor
High amounts of water to keep the filling cool
Disposable gowns to reduce amounts of amalgam debris
A full examination is required to be done to formulate a comprehensive amalgam removal treatment plan.