TMJ Therapy and Chronic Pain
Supporting patients experiencing headaches, migraines, neck pain, and ear symptoms among many others.
What is
TMJ Therapy?
Symptoms of TMJ can include headaches, migraines, neck pain, and ear symptoms among many others. The underlying cause can be so multi-faceted. Correcting this has been a long-time interest of Dr Stein’s. This has led him to understand that the solution needs to be tailor-made for the sufferer rather than generic and involves a detailed collection of data.
Bio-EMG - allows for identifying improper muscle function and ensures long term dental work stability (electromyography)
How we support TMJ Therapy and Chronic pain
At Integrative Dental we have a toolbox of techniques at our disposal. We need to select the optimal treatment techniques to diagnose and treat your condition.
We work alongside some of Australia’s leading clinicians. These practitioners all have different skills. Often utilising the skills of different people at the same time is what delivers the best outcomes.